People of the Treaty


1)Anthony Wayne                    6)Meriwether Lewis                   11)Buckongahelas                      16)David Jones
2)Little Turtle                            7)Isacc Zane                               12)Leatherlips                             17)Henry De Butts
3)William Wells                       8)Tarhe, The Crane                    13)Bad Bird                                 18)John Mills
4)William Henry Harrison       9)Blue Jacket                              14)White Pigeon                         19)The Treaty of Greenville
5)William Clark                       10)Black Hoof                              15)The Sun                                  20)Greenville Treaty Calumet

Signing of the Treaty of Greenville

The treaty was signed on August 3, 1776.

The Native Americans who signed the treaty included the Wyandot, Delaware, Shawnee, Ottawa, Chippewa, Potawatomi, Miami, Wea, Kickapoo, and the Kaskaskia. There may have also been many other tribes there but these are the main ones.

Americans got the land for $20,000 worth of goods (blankets, utensils, domestic animals, ect.) and $9,500 of goods yearly. The Indians were to decide how the goods where to be divided.

The US gained a large part of modern day Ohio and downtown Detroit. It established the “Greenville Treaty Line” which was a boundary between the Native Americans and the Americans, yet the line was crossed by the American settlers quite a lot. The treaty also established the “annuity” system, yearly grants of federal money and calico cloth to Indian tribes.

Many people rejected the thought that the Indians where better, or equal to, them. Thomas Jefferson believed that they lived at a less advanced stage of living then they did.